God loves all people who experience gender identity problems and other aspects of sexual brokenness, regardless of their response to Him, their choices concerning beliefs and behaviors, or their desire to experience change.
God has chosen the Church to be His redemptive agent toward those who experience sexual brokenness, offering strugglers grace and mercy, discipling them to follow Jesus, and providing a safe, supportive community in which to experience His love and healing.
Those who experience sexual brokenness will be treated with a respect consistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God’s call in our lives is to holiness, not heterosexuality, as the goal to press toward.
A complete change of sexual orientation-from homosexual to heterosexual-is possible. Many who pursue this goal will achieve it or make significant progress toward it.
God’s intention for the sexuality of a single person is to remain celibate and sexual expression would take place only in the context of the marriage covenant between one man and one woman.