Supporting Hope & New Life With Your Gifts
Hope & New Life is a registered non-profit organization. This means your donations to the ministry are tax-deductible. As a fund-driven ministry, we depend on the gifts of individuals, churches and organizations who share our vision of reaching out to sexually and broken men and women. We invite you to become part of what Hope & New Life is doing by helping us financially.
Your Gift Online
Your online giving is simple, secure, and confidential through Network for Good. And because Network for Good is completely underwritten, 100 percent of your gift goes directly to Hope & New Life. To register with Network for Good and make your tax-deductible gift online, go to www.networkforgood.org.
Your Gift by Check or Money Order
Please make your tax-deductible gifts payable to Hope & New Life. If you wish to designate your support to a particular funding area (operational support, salary support, curriculum development), please designate so on the memo line.
Send your gift to:
Hope & New Life Ministries
PO Box 931
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0931
Our Stewardship Policy
Our declared policies state that:

Donors are advised and encouraged to seek independent professional advise before making a gift to the ministry which might significantly affect the donor’s financial position or income or might adversely affect the donor’s relationship with family members;

Donors are provided with comprehensive and current information regarding Hope & New Life and its endeavors;

Expenditures are confined to board-approved programs and purchases. In accordance with IRS regulations, each gift will be used as designated by the donor with the understanding that when any given need has been met, designated gifts will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes;

Gifts will not be accepted for projects or purposes that are not within its stated objectives as determined by the Director.
For more information about financial policies and program budgets,
please contact our office.